The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is aiming to raise the standard of consumer protection through the introduction of the Consumer Duty rules.

These rules aim to always put good consumer outcomes at the centre of our business and to focus on the diverse needs of our customers at every stage of their relationship with Dentons. 

We confirm that we are fully committed to meeting our obligations under Consumer Duty, especially in relation to the Fair Value outcome which is one of the four outcomes that the FCA is seeking through this initiative.

The Fair Value Assessment considers a range of indicators and measures which contribute to the overall value that Dentons delivers to our customers. These include the price paid by the customer, the distribution channel through which the product is sold and review of the product performance and service.

Dentons has carried out its own Fair Value Assessment and a copy of this document can be downloaded below or from the SIPP literature pages.

Dentons Pensions Fair Value Assessment

Our Fair Value Assessment will remain ongoing but we are confident that our SIPPs provide fair value for money and the fees are clear and justified.

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